Latest Past Events

Miss Holmes at Centerstage Theatre in Federal Way

Centerstage Theatre 3200 SW Dash Point Rd, Federal Way

Join the SOBs for the theatrical production of Miss Holmes at Centerstage Theatre Arts Conservatory at 3200 SW Dash Point Way in Federal Way.  The play begins at 2:00 pm.  Details can be found in the February 2025 issue of Ineffable Twaddle.  If you did not request a group ticket, you may purchase a single… Continue reading Miss Holmes at Centerstage Theatre in Federal Way

January Meeting on Zoom

Our meeting begins at 12:30 pm (Pacific time).  Feel free to join at 12:00 if you would like to chat and get to know members before the meeting begins.  We will be discussing "The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet" from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.  Read the full story online here. Instructions for Joining our Virtual… Continue reading January Meeting on Zoom

Deadline to submit to Beaten’s Christmas Annual

Your deadline for our magazine‐style annual for‐and‐by‐the Members is December 31, 2024!! Beaten's editor Terri has been waiting for your essay, story, game, doodle, or anything else fit to print. Your subject might be Sherlockian, such as, what is your favorite adventure and why; or Victorian, what did people eat during that period; or mysteries, who… Continue reading Deadline to submit to Beaten’s Christmas Annual